Japanese Candlestick

A single day's trading activity can be summarized in a "candle." Groups of candles or certain candlestick formations indicate the underlying psychology and intentions of traders. Couple with chart patterns and technical analysis, knowledge of the most common candlestick patterns - as one of many tools to be used - can greatly increases a trader's success.
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Blade forex strategy

Trading forex could not only %100 mechanical only but also with human behaviour to analysis where is market blow. Blade Forex Strategy explain how to trade in forex market with a simple way.
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The 7 Deadly Sins Of Forex

The purpose of this forex ebook is not to discourage traders or investors; quite the opposite. I have attempted to distil my years of experience, and those of fellow investors I’ve met along the way, into a short list of potential “boobytraps”. Assuming your technique and money-management principles are sound, being aware of these potential pitfalls will, I hope, greatly improve your odds of success.
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Stress Management And Be Profitable Trader

Stress Management And Be Profitable Trader take from www.tradingacademy.com. Flash video about stress management by Mike McMahon one of the course instructor from tradingacademy.com. You will learn about how to manage your stress and know about nine models of stress. Find how relaxation could handle your stress.
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1st FTA Fundamental Analysis

You use tehnical analysis to trade but the currency markets are driven by major fundamental announcements. Therefore, it is important to know exactly when these announcements will be made so you can take advantage of the big moves that follow or avoid losing through a sudden surprise reaction. Sometimes consolidation takes place before a major fundamental announcement and you can benefit from a straddle trade. Economic calendars show in advance what time the economic data release will take place. If traders are expecting an interest rate to rise and it does, there usually will not be much of a movement because the information will already have been discounted by the market. However, if the interest rate does not rise as expected, then the market may react violently.
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The NewYork Session

Economic indicators are released at different times. In the United States, economic data is generally released at 8:30 and 10 AM EST or at New York Session. It is important to remember that the most significant data for forex trading markets is released at 8:30 AM EST. In order to allow time for last-minute adjustments, the United States currency futures markets open at 8:20 AM EST. How is Planning your trade at this time using this forex ebook information.
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Macroeconomic Implications Of The Belief And Behavior Forex Traders

The authors report findings from a survey of United States foreign exchange traders. That; technical trading best characterizes about 30% of traders, with this proportion rising from five years ago; news about macroeconomic variables is rapidly incorporated into exchange rates; the importance of individual macroeconomic variables shifts over time, although interest rates always appear to be important, and; economic fundamentals are perceived to be more important at longer horizons.
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